Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Latest Projects Finished

It's been busy couple of days with the kids and I wanted to share some of my recently finished items.

Christopher's wild socks:

David's cozy blanket:

Alright already, the guilt is getting to me. I cheated. I used a knitting machine for the blanket. I started using knitting machines for my blankets since I discovered I only have a two week attention span for any given project. If it's not done in two weeks, chances are I'm either on to a new project or trying to talk myself out of starting another project. So I realized that if I wanted a complete blanket, I had to find a quick way to do it or else run the risk of never finishing. (BTW- this one is folded in quarters.)

Friday, July 20, 2007

Current Projects

This has been a season for babies. I'm currently working on yet another sweater set. The third one in a year. So far I have the hat and booties. The sweater is still a WIP. The pattern is called Spun Sugar from the July 2006 Creative Knitting Magazine and I'm just loving it. It's very easy, looks good and it's been a treat working in pink for a change.
This is the blanket that may never get finished. I work on this in between other projects. It's quite large and I must pay attention to the pattern while working it.

And, this is this month's mid-month KAL from the Monthly Dishcloth KAL :

While I'm talking about the Monthly Dishcloth KAL, I really want to thank the all the women involved from the moderators, the designers (and they are wonderful designers) to all the people on that group. It's a great resource to have. Thank you all. My pictures cannot do justice to the wonderful designs. Anybody out there have any tips for taking better pictures of knitting?

Friday, July 13, 2007

World's Worst Blogger

Ok, so maybe I'm not the world's worst blogger but I sure feel like it. My poor blog has been neglected for the past six months. My life has been too crazy to have time for much, family emergencies, new babies (not mine), kids, household chores and the list goes on. But enough with the excuses, let's try to get this blog back on track and get to the knitting!!! (BTW I did eventually finish the blanket but gave it away before I got a picture.)

Let's start with a brief history of my knitting and then I'll try to get more current. I originally got started when I saw a woman in the orthodontist's office knitting while she waited for her child. I thought, "Wow, now that's a great idea." The rest as they say is history. I'm now completely obsessed with knitting. I hope someday to be able to design my own sweaters but while I wait and learn here's some more pictures of my knitting.

The very first thing I ever knitted, a scarf:

This was originally supposed to be ribbed but being new I miss counted my stitches so naturally the ribbing didn't occur. It almost ribbed but not quite. I liked how it looked anyway so I just kept going.

These are my first mittens (also my only mittens):

I'm sure many of you recognize the pattern from the show "Knitty Gritty".

And my first pair of socks:They are made with Lion Brand's "Magic Stripes" and the pattern that comes on the label.

I've knit lots of other stuff too, many scarfs, hats, baby blankets, layettes. Knitting is such a great hobby. It's relieves stress and you can take it anywhere. I wouldn't have a time for a hobby if I couldn't take it with me.

Next time, I'll share my current projects.